Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sahota calls for Citizens' Assembly on national level

By Dan Hilborn
Published Sept. 15, 2004

As the much-heralded Citizens' Assembly for Electoral Reform in B.C. enters its final stage, Burnaby-Edmonds MLA Patty Sahota is calling for a similar effort on the national front.

In a press release issued early last month, Sahota said a national citizens' assembly could help combat the drop in voter participation that has affected almost all levels of government in Canada.

"The numbers are on a downward trend, despite all the initiatives that are trying to get young people involved," Sahota told the Burnaby NOW.

"Elections Canada sends out kits to people as young as in grades 5 or 6. Elections Canada sends out birthday cards when you turn 18. ... I thought it was amazing all the stuff that's out there.

"Yet, what has the response been? It appears it hasn't had too much impact.

"Perhaps it's not young people, perhaps it's something bigger than that. Maybe it's the process itself.

"I think we have to do a better job - not just us politicians, but people in general and institutions have to do a better job of communicating the programs we have."

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